
Trademark? Everything You Need to Know

– TUSHAR TIWARI (BA-LLB 3RD YEAR), LAW STUDENT, FIMT, GGSIPU; NEW DELH The term trademark refers to a recognizable insignia, phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it from all other products of its kind. A trademark exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a specific...


Article On Sedition Law

The section was further amended by the Indian Penal Code Amendment Act (IV of 1898). As a result of the amendment, the single explanation to the section was replaced by three separate explanations as they stand now. The section, as it now stands in its present form, is the result...


Article On Sec 44 Of TP Act

The Purchaser/Transferee of a share of a dwelling-house, belonging to an undivided family, is not a member of the family, shall not be entitle to joint possession or other common or part enjoyment of the house." A co-share or a subsequent purchaser/transferee of a property belong to undivided family always faces...


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मुठभेड़ या इन काउंटर या Extra Judicial Killing भारत में कोई नया शब्द नहीं हां हर एक घटना के बाद यह शब्द जनमानस के बीच और गूगल पर हॉट हो जाता है!आज विकास दुबे और उसके गुर्गों के एनकाउंटर के बाद यह शब्द फिर चर्चा में!समाज के प्रबुद्ध वर्ग जनता...